Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hey, guess what?! I'm a fan of Venus Angelic

Hey people, yea I know that I have posted my first post awhile ago...and since I have nothing much to I planned to create another post and post it here!

Hell Yeah! guess what?! I'm a fan of Venus Angelic :)

This may sound creepy to you guys...Cause' not many people adore weird but cute kind of videos that this young talented girl is doing :) But I loved it !! hahaa

I remember the last time when I first watched her first video...which is this one... and to tell you the truth I actually did try that makeup while following this tutorial, it kinda helps though :)

My first impression about Venus Angelic is... 'wow, she's cute and adorable' 'she looks kinda like a porcelain doll from the old days, well, it kinda creeps me out, but i like it too at the same time' 'hell, she is talented, I wish that she can be my sister sometimes'. etc. [all the weird thoughts that I had thought about will not be written here...teehee]

Yea...she is quite a successful young girl that has talent in makeup and cuteness to many people that including me... :) I'm still watching her videos to show my support to her, tweeted her, commented in her instagram pictures facebook-ing her and stuff....Don't get me wrong, I don't stalk people! haha just looking around and see if I could get any new tips that helps me that's all :)

Ok people, this is Venus Angelic's official website,  the one and only official website of hers.

I hope you guys liked it and remember to follow her everywhere...haha 
And FOLLOW ME of course !!

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